Monday, 23 July 2018

Wedding Looks For Fall

No matter when you are going to get married, no bride ever really stop thinking about ‘the dress.’ Goodness, there are entire television programs dedicated to just this one item.  Each new bride waits anxiously from season to season to see what will be new. Mothers, daughters, grandmas, sisters, cousins, even the men get drawn into the ‘idea’ of the perfect dress. Fall 2018 will see new necklines, new collars, embellished tops, belts, and new a crop of simple, unadorned wedding dresses. There are still capes and jackets, pearl embellishments, bows, and fringe.  There are asymmetrical hemlines and veils with customized hair extensions to wow anyone, anywhere. Read on for some of the most wanted and talked about looks for this Fall.

bridal hair extensions


2018 will see lots of little ‘pops’ of color on the white dress.  Some added soft hues of airy pink, gold, some pale blue and even a pop of purple will light wedding runways, shows and shops.


This fall the focus is away from the highly embellished necklines and jeweled shoulder detail. So, if those menswear-inspired necklines are not for you, then head to the shops and take a look around, as many of the top designers such as Di Santo, Alexander, and Liancarlo all focused on the neckline.


That’s right, belts! They are back and better than ever. The wedding gowns for Fall 2018 are being cinched in a variety of ways: beaded belts, tied ribbons, and soft leather belts in soft hues.  Some of the gowns are adding those ‘pops’ of color talked about at the beginning, with belts of purple and green and just about every shade in-between. They are being mixed and matched with wider belts, skinny belts, loop belts…just about anything goes when it comes to belts this season.


Hand-in-hand are bows and brides. However, for Fall Wedding 2018 the idea is to be as chic and modern as possible. There is a look for everything, even a jumpsuit with a bow-covered top for those daring out of the box thinkers. Then, of course,  accented bows on the top of the sleeves and shoulders. No matter how large or small the detail, it is indeed the detail that makes an impression on the bride-to- be.


The asymmetrical hemline is the go-to hemline if you want to be formal for your wedding. The hemline is also versatile enough to change for a new look at the reception. If you are the fun, upbeat bride that wants a good time all day and night,  the asymmetrical hem is the perfect wedding/party, all-in-one dress for you. So, visit your favorite shops and see all they have to offer.

Capes and Jackets

Moto jackets, floaty capelets, and hooded floor-length capes. Yes, Fall 2018 has them all. Almost every major designer highlighted a dress for Fall with not just a look, but a stylish, cool-weather wedding look that included some type of additional covering .  If different is what you are after, then go for the hood!


Sunday, 22 July 2018

Early Fall Looks To Try Now

Believe it or not, summer is clicking on by and before you know it those brisk fall mornings will be rolling in.  We still have summer left, but if you are one of those who likes to rush the season just a little bit, read on for some great new fall looks that you can try out now! If you are thinking of those warm colors and tons of texture for hair of every length, and style, then keep reading…


Hmm…. who doesn’t like caramel?  Well, maybe a few, but when it is the color of your hair, it just oozes warm and cozy. This fall will bring caramel and chestnut pairings that blend together beautifully. If you want to step-it-up a notch and add some pop, throw in some dark chocolate as your base and then some butter-toned highlights on the ends of your hair.


Coopery and warm reds are in! The colors are vibrant and fiery, so channel that inner redhead and go for the warm red look!


best hair extensionsMelted Latte

Think of how a nice spice latte melts your insides and makes you feel warm all over; this hair coloring is like that. This technique softens your hair color, melting it all together.  It has no harsh lines or clear-cut distinction between different colors, making it is difficult for even an expert to tell the difference between added colors and the ‘real’ you color. This look it is almost too good to be true. Word is they have also been using this technique on some of the best hair extensions, so you can get this look this fall with your ‘real’ hair and with some expertly colored clip-in extensions as well. Mix and match and add that texture and depth and melt everyone’s heart that looks at you.

Curly Hair

When you think of fall, you think of long hair, but this style is encouraging your natural textures with a haircut that would enhance some curls and get rid of some dead weight that you might be carrying around with you. Go for the gusto! Do something different for fall and cut your hair, allowing your curls to spring forth.

And Even More Short Hair

This fall will see a lot of shorter hairstyles with the warm fall color blending. The trend is for chopping it off into a short bob, or if you want something a little less dramatic, to get a cut just past the shoulders with a bit of bounce.  Get a color melt to keep all eyes on you and your beautiful locks.

Dynamic Renewal

Fall 2018 has some dazzling colors and renewal changes for your hair. Experimentation is allowed, and tradition is thrown out the window. Encouraged are vivid colors along with those traditional warm, good fuzzy-feeling colors. This fall will see experimentation with hair tattoos, changes with hair extensions, wire kits and color pairings never before seen.  Go ahead, rush the season just a little and try out some of these looks now to see just how much you will love them when fall arrives.


Saturday, 21 July 2018

Looking Good In No Time At All

Motherhood and the term exhaustion go together a lot, that’s because being a mother IS exhausting and a whole bunch of other things too but, this article wants to focus on how to look good in 10 min or less when you feel like you’ve been up for 48 hours in the last 12.  When you look in the mirror, and you don’t even know the woman staring back at you, and you think, yikes!  Have to do something here! Read on for some quick tips for pulling it all together.

Routine Is Important

Doing ‘you’ the same way every morning is important, especially when you are a working mom and by working mom, I mean ‘out of the home’ working mom. Trust me, I know. All mom’s work! Routine is crucial so, here are some habits do to the same way every morning to get yourself rolling, looking good and more importantly feeling good.


Face Routine

Exfoliated skin is one of the best ways to look like you slept a full and uninterrupted 8 hour the night before. Also, the added benefit to exfoliation is it prevents dead skin cells from forming in your pores and giving you those nasty breakouts. Wash your hair the night before; get in the habit of taking a shower the night before, no matter how tired you are as it will save you tons of time in the morning.


Hair Drying

Don’t take the time for a full-blown ‘blow out,’ let your hair dry naturally as you get ready.  Then take only a few minutes and when it is almost dry, blow dry it for a few minutes to add some volume.


volume hair extensionsHair Extensions

These can become your best friends and add so many ways to make your hair look different.  They simplify getting ready, as high quality hair extensions clip in quickly while adding volume and texture.



Keep it simple. Mascara and concealer are your best friend. Tip – mascara, concealer, then mascara again. Dark circles under your eyes does not look good, so just a little bit of concealer will brighten up your eyes, and then add a second coat of mascara to really open your eyes up. You’ll look like you’ve had a full 8 hours sleep, even if it was only 8 minutes!



This is so important, wear and buy clothes that fit your body type and size. Clothe manufactures make clothes, even some designer clothes, in nearly every size these days. There is no reason not to wear clothes that fit the size you are currently. You will not only feel better, but also look better. Take the time to go through your closet and painful as it will be, let those size three pants go that you’ve been keeping for last ten years because you will be able to ‘wear them again once you lose some more weight. Save yourself time, energy and space and just throw them out. Also, wear clothes that are ‘timeless’. Simplify and look good. Take a few extra hours and go shopping and buy seven tops, preferably V-necks, that fit and are in your color palette. This saves you time and helps you look good.

At-Home Booster Shot

With the steps above you can cut your morning routine down to nearly 10 minutes or less, leaving you more than enough time to swing through your favorite coffee joint and get your daily dose of caffeine, which you richly deserve!



Friday, 20 July 2018

Out The Door Faster

For many of us, rush hour starts even before the alarm clock sounds.  Most don’t have a moment to spare in the mornings. So, how do you keep the morning mayhem down to a minimum?  It doesn’t matter if you are a single parent, parenting team or just a busy executive…mornings are tough.  Read further to find just a few tips to help get you out the door a little faster and just a little less frazzeled.


Prepare it the night before and only have to push the start button in the morning.  Or, get a coffee maker on a timer and enjoy entering the kitchen to the fragrant smell of a piping hot cup.  If you are the one in line to do the carpool or are you are always dashing off before you miss the train or bus to the office, get that thermalized to-go cup out and ready the night before.

volume extensionsHair and Clothes

Do as much with your hair and clothes as you possibly can the night before.  Lay out your outfits, make sure they are ironed if necessary, and take your shower the night before. If you must take your shower in the morning, be sure to have all your stuff ready to go in a little basket or bag that you just grab and go. Ladies if you like to mix it up with your hair, enjoying different looks and styles, try some root coverage extensions to change it up, add some volume, and address coverage issues.

Out The Door Box

Wallets, keys, bags, sunglasses, water bottles, bags, and absolute essentials for work need to placed in a box by the door, so all that has to be done is when you get dressed, grab your to-go cup of coffee, and walk to the door and grab your stuff.  This eliminates any last minute ‘oh my gosh’ what did I do with this or that frantic panicking that results in stressed commutes or being late.

Avoid Social Media

Social media in the mornings is a BLACK hole. DO not get sucked in. Seriously, is there indeed anything on your FB feed that ‘has’ to be seen before you get out of bed?  Turn off those Pinterest alerts and put the phone down and leave those distractions aside until your commute or break time.

Pre-Select Your Breakfast

A small thing, but it can be time-consuming. It’s like prepping your clothes, putting all the breakfast things out the night before (as much as possible) can be a great stress reliever in the mornings. It’s a given; the fewer choices you must make in the morning, the more time you will save. If you eat the same thing every morning, then you are good to go, but if you like to switch things up, then take the time over the weekend to write out a weekly meal plan, especially for breakfast.  Be truthful, how many minutes do you waste with the fridge door open, staring blindly into the cold thinking what should I have?


All these are such simple steps, but they are huge time savers and stress relievers to help you manage your morning just a little bit easier and be more relaxed for the rest of the day.


Thursday, 19 July 2018

Hair Loss Prevention In Women

There is nothing more alarming to a woman that to look in a mirror and discover a thinning hairline, or hair that has lost its volume. What most women don’t realize is that nearly over 100 strands of hair a day are lost and that it is entirely reasonable.  More than that, however, could indicate a more severe problem.  In most cases, however, ‘how’ you are styling your hair seems to be the culprit. So, if thinning hair is a cosmetic issue and not a health concern, then we all know that cosmetic issues can indeed be fixed or changed.


Unfortunately, hair loss is an issue that affects a lot of older women. If you have noticed some thinning hair of late, read further, contained within are some tips and tricks to give your locks back that vitality and glow it once had. However, if after a few months of a different routine or product, you don’t see any visible results, be on the safe side, make an appointment with your physician to ensure your hair loss is not from an underlying health condition.  A simple blood taste is usually all that is required.

A Few Simple Tips For Optimal Scalp Care

Say no to hairstyles that would pull on your hairline; This means, ‘tight’ ponytails, cornrows, braids, or anything that pulls on the small hairs and can cause hair loss. These tight hairstyles pull too much on the delicate skin of your hairline, which creates the loss/thinning effect. Ditch heated tools. Heat is harmful to hair and causes the strands to fracture, be brittle and then just break off. If you do use tools, make sure to leave it on any section of your hair for no more than a second or two. Let your hair dry naturally as much as possible. Be careful of chemical processing. Foods high in vitamins and minerals with zinc and vitamin B12 are all revitalizing to hair, and your diet should include lots of leafy greens, beans, fish, and lean meats. There are also a few hair products targeted at restorative hair growth, as well as topical medications, and don’t forget scalp massages.

Physical Health Maintenance and Stress Reduction

Paying attention to your diet and overall health doesn’t rubber stamp that you won’t ever suffer from thinning hair, but it certainly helps. Diet and regular exercise both go along way with minimizing hair loss.  Reduce stress with regular and proper sleep, andkeep in mind that relaxation and proper medication also help to alleviate hair loss.


root coverage extensionsAdd Volume With Extensions


Of course, a popular solution to thinning hair and adding volume, for several years now, has been the use of customizable hair extensions. The use of extensions makes your hair fuller and thicker. Extensions that match and enhance your natural hair are easy to find, as they come in all colors, sizes, and textures. Root coverage extensions will provide coverage on the top, along with light volume.


Reinventing Yourself

There are just times when you need and want a change. Changes or the re-inventing of oneself, inwardly or outwardly, does not need to break the bank.  Sometimes it can be a series of small changes that add up to a positive feeling, new outlook, or new look. Often, all 3 can be achieved at once.

Hair Changes

crown extension

Try experimenting with a new look, such as real hair extensions, they can add volume, length, lift and color while providing a variety of ways to style your hair that you did not have as a previous option. Experiment with parting your hair in a different direction or flipping it to the other side of your head. You’ll be amazed at how such simple changes can frame your face differently and give you a new look instantly. Added root coverage that a light volume extension provides can take away your worry if your hair is thinning, helping you feel positive and relaxed.

Accessorize, Accessorize, and then Accessorize

Old wardrobes can easily look new again with simple changes to accessories. Update the items that get noticed the most such as your handbag. The stylist will tell you to make your outfits look more expensive choose a purse that has brass hardware instead of silver, or if you want to have a more modern upgrade add a small black patent leather clutch, as patent always adds a little pop to whatever it is you might be wearing.

Lady In Red

Red is bold. Be bold. Do Red. What most women fail to realize is that despite the boldness of the color, red lipstick is one of the most ‘wearable’ lipstick shades.  It is classic and will add instant femininity to your look. There are of course, literally hundreds of shades of red. Don’t overthink your decision. Pick the one you are immediately attracted to and just ‘own’ wearing it.

Manicure Refresh and Update

The care of your nails is ‘not’ a minor detail. The care you take of your nails says a lot about you. A salon manicure is not always necessary but, change it up occasionally, give everyone a little shock and awe by filing your tips straight across and round off just the corners.  Choose a vibrant color instead of going for traditional soft pink.  There are thousands of shades, don’t be afraid to try more than one.

Ah, The Pointy-Toed Shoe

It may come and go, but it never really goes out forever…why? Experts and stylists will tell you every time that there is nothing more flattering to a woman’s leg than a pointed-toe pump. When a woman puts on a pump, it is as if she instantly pumps up her whole personality and she just sparks and strides in a way that doesn’t happen when you are in flats or ballet shoes, as comfortable and enjoyable as they may be. A simple trick to lengthen the look of your leg is to buy a pair closest to your skin tone.


Happy Eyes

Oh, the things you can do with a deep-blue eye pencil. Ditch the old black and brown. Versatile and pretty, blue just whitens and brightens. Instantly your eyes seem bigger and less tired.


New Color Trends On The Way

It may only be July, but the new color trends for Fall 2018 are out and already on the market, and they are being talked about as the ‘must have’s and the ‘not to have’s.’ In other words, what looks great and what does not.  Here is a quick rundown for colors to think about as thoughts of Fall 2018 float through your mind.  Even though you are out enjoying the hot summer sunshine, it is never too late for a lady to start thinking on the upcoming season.

Enter the Icy Platinum’s And Rich Browns of Fall

This fall will be a palette cleanser! Not to worry, though, the colors of fall will be anything but boring. The prediction was and is already moving from the big bright neons and the deep golden blondes to icier platinum and rich browns. There will be bright highlights thrown in for added depth and dimensions, with such fun names as Peanut Butter and Jelly. The PB&J, of course, being inspired by the golden color of the peanut butter and a purple highlight inspired by the purple of grape jelly of course.  The goal with the change of the palette is to transition closer to your natural color and help the upkeep be a tad more manageable. Keep in mind though, that staying ‘natural’ still may require a few hours in the stylist’s chair to achieve that, “just natural” look!  But, as always, it is well worth it!

Specific Fall 2018 Colorings

Chocolate Brown: the idea is to take your already rich brown hair and make it more two dimensional, becoming a ‘chocolate shade’ with hints of warm amber hues.


Cayenne Spice Red: if you are a blonde, not to worry, as there will be a lot of reds, copper and auburn added. Having blonde hair only helps with these colorings. If you happen to have blue or green eyes, they make it all the better to go copper.


Platinum Blond: the general theme is simple – if you are blonde, the idea is just to go brighter and lighter.


Rusty Copper: warm-up that brunette base with red-hued and reddish-golden highlights. Add some curls for an even third dimension and well…fabulous!


Root Beer: this look will carry you through the winter, with a rich brown base and red or auburn highlights producing a vibrant dark look. Next is,


Blorange: this color is nothing more than platinum blonde meets and orange, giving an alternative to the millennial pink hair look.


customizable hair extensions

Mulled Wine: this look features the red shades again, and is nothing more than locks of deep, burgundy red, with even some plum, lavenders, and eggplants.


Blauburn; stand back, browns and reds on this one and let the redheads add some flavor, this is nothing more than a hybrid of auburn and blonde with some honey hues thrown in for dimension.


So, when you are ready for your new fall coloring, take yourself down to a local Spartanburg hairstylist and let them help you choose a fall color palette that will highlight you in all the right ways!


Change Your Hairstyle And Boost Your Confidence

Everyone needs a confidence booster now and again. If you are confident, then it stands to reason you usually feel good about yourself, and you look your best as often as possible.  One of the most popular ‘things’ people do to boost their confidence is changing their hairstyle. A vast majority of people take a tremendous amount of courage and pride in how they present their hair. Often, if your hair feels dull or unmanageable, that somehow translates into our life feeling dry and unmanageable. So, improve or change up your look and give your confidence that boost it has perhaps needed.

Why Do Something New?

Women change their hairstyle for a variety of reasons. Significant change such as a big interview for a career move, a breakup or a new romance.  Generally, a significant difference is experienced after it is time to search for something new, and for a lot of women that means starting with their hair, even just a change in hair care products can produce noticeable results.  When you change your hair, you can immediately see that change, as well as feel it and there is a connection with the change, thus giving you that energy, vitality, and confidence boost you need. When you see something new about yourself, you generally present yourself in a much more confident manner to those around you. The change is also a way of helping to move us forward, even if in a small direction.


Lauren Ashtyn Collection hair care products

New Style Better Self Care

When confidence is low or when people are not ‘happy’ with themselves, the level of self-care becomes less of a priority. Changing your appearance, especially your hair, exhibits a ‘take charge” attitude. When you invest time and energy into a new style, then you typically will be more on top of your daily routines. When you are on top of your habits, you are on top of your self-care. Taking care of yourself is not vanity. No need to be concerned, our hair has a way of telling us all on its own when it needs some love, am I right?


Daring Can Be Fun

Try something daring and fun! Nothing gives you more confidence then when you are willing to be bold, but brave means something different to everyone.  Determine what daring to you will be and head down for a visit to your local Spartanburg beauty salon.  They can help you define just precisely what you need for your hair to be at its best, to promote you being your best.  There are as many ideas as there are women! Maybe you want a new cut or color, or perhaps a hair extension is what you’ve been thinking about and have been lacking the confidence to just ‘go for it.’ There are also several ‘non-committal’ ways to change things up and to bolster your courage for a more significant hair change, such as to dip-dye your hair with Kool-Aid, change your part, cut your bangs, or smooth all your hair back into a ponytail.  Change is good. Change is confidence building. So, go ahead, take care of yourself and your hair all at the same time. You can do it, go for it!
